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What does Kids Ranch do?

Happy kids at Summer Camp

Every day, a child is struggling to read, battling low self-esteem, or facing the weight of a difficult childhood. At Kids Ranch, we're on a mission to change that. We offer free or low-cost tutoring, mental health support, and a summer day camp experience for children ages 7-12. Our mission is to build caring, capable, and confident kids by helping them overcome illiteracy, low self-esteem, and adverse childhood experiences.  Find out more:

Who does Kids Ranch serve?

We seek out children who are challenged by poverty, learning disabilities, trauma, abuse, or other difficult situations. We give them hope and Sunshine Moments by teaching them resiliency and reading skills.

Kids helping in the kitchen
Kids learning about nature

I know someone who needs help from Kids Ranch. What do I do?

Please contact us!  We want to help!

How can I help?

Your gift of time and money will change the future of a struggling child. You can help a child learn to read and give them Sunshine Moments at summer camp.

25 Years of Kids Ranch

1998 – 2023

Happy kids at Summer Camp

Mailing Address: 

PO Box 219

Baraboo, WI 53913


Copyright 2016-25 by KIDS RANCH, all rights reserved including electronic. Privacy Policy.

Last updated 25 February 2025.

Kids Ranch accepts gifts from donor-advised funds (DAFs), so if you have a DAF, please consider supporting Kids Ranch.

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